About Us
About the College
Atma Ram Sanatan Dharma College is a premier educational institution of Delhi University which aims to nurture excellence in education. It emphasizes on fostering the quality of human resources and promoting productive ideas that benefit the students. Since its inception, the College has focused on character building and idealism inspired by Sanatani values. The College embraces Inclusivity and Equitability as its founding principles. Promotion of women’s education and ensuring a barrier-free, nondiscriminatory, and supportive ecosystem for all members of the College are, therefore, a priority at ARSD College. The motto of the College, Tejasvi-naav-adhitam-astu, has been taken from Taittiriya Upanishad and means May our learning be endowed with radiance

NIRF Rankings 2024
Ranked 6th in India by National Institutional Ranking Framework
Graded 'A++' by National Assessment and Accreditation Council
Grade by NAAC
As per the recent India Today Ranking 2024,
ARSD College was ranked 8th among Commerce colleges, 9th among Arts colleges and 15th among the Science colleges of the country.
India Today Rankings 2024
Message from the Principal

Dr. Gyantosh Kumar Jha
Principal, ARSD College
Atma Ram Sanatan Dharma College, a NAAC accredited "A++" grade institution with its founding principles as Excellence, Equity and Inclusivity, is one of the top coeducational colleges in the country. It is ranked 6th amongst all the colleges in India and was at 3rd position amongst colleges in the University of Delhi in the NIRF (MoE) All India Ranking, 2023. We offer undergraduate and postgraduate courses that span all the three major streams Arts, Science and Commerce. The college provides a wonderful platform and acts as a facilitator for the students to realize their full potential. The Placement Cell of the college is very active in building partnerships with various recruiters and many of our graduates find employment in the top-tier companies functioning in various domains every year. I invite the recruiters to our college for their human resource requirements and hope that the expectations and requirements of both the recruiters and our students are met.
Message from the Convenor

Dr. Ashutosh Vishwa Bandhu
Placement Cell of Atma Ram Sanatan Dharma College values its recruiters and always strives to build an enduring and fruitful relationship with them. The current situation that has arisen due to the pandemic has not deterred us from having regular activities like conducting internship/recruitment drives and hosting webinars for the benefit of the students.
I take this opportunity to congratulate the newly formed students’ team of the Placement Cell. I also thank all faculty members and students whose sincerity, motivation, and hard work have taken the Placement Cell to the heights that it has been able to attain. With the generous support of my colleagues, I will try my best to lead the students’ team and help them bring the best available opportunities in various sectors for our students.
Meet the Team
Our Placement Partners

Our Internship Partners